
Sunday 14 February 2016

dimension come to their minds, to reconsider the best way to do good on earth. .

Pisces 2016 Mercury in Pisces: Pisces Many brothers observed a desolate landscape, some of his works will be lost, so that the power of darkness will be present in situations that should tentatively be imminent fruits, you should put your feet on earth, you better take a sure thing, possibly thousands of hypothetical things additionally become spiritual energy and sweep attempt to kill many, but there will be those who cling to their faith and god, so that the chance for maintain hope for a better future. Mercury in the 3rd House: There will be others who manage to intertwine along with others consolidating student and business links, will achieve be covered by an energy of light, which will lead to higher levels, so you begin to feel the importance of their lives on planet earth, and raised a glimmer of a higher dimension come to their minds, to reconsider the best way to do good on earth. .

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