
Tuesday 1 March 2016

Horoscope March 1, 2016

Mars in Scorpio: It is an energy too strong, initially some want their children to grow healthily, now in their personal experiences, the sense of justice into their own hands will increase to the point that some will try to give back to other all the damage they feel they have received, so that the desire for revenge may be present in some people until the body level, including energy it brings the saying implicit eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. Moon in the 12th house: Wishes to care for their feelings, protect your heart of ambushes and attacks, so try to feel safer. Now from the celestial level, where angels dwell today they have formed a star of light so that the energy of heavenly music comes to our life and can bear personal depressions. Word of the day classical music feels like a light.

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