
Friday 1 March 2019


Company lady and there is a coincidence that love can really awaken in them interest there is the coincidence that love can awaken in them the desire to live to advance the desire to progress but also internal desires linked with vitality some men can come to feel Like a bull in front of a love that really prevents them but also some men I have observed that they can really feel truly tenderness and that tenderness leads them in turn to find in the intimacy the hug and feel that their heart is shining in light and a being For example, a man can show that he can feel love in different ways because there can be different reactions to a stimulus depending on the term of Paul's psychology. In this case, the stimulus can be represented by the presence of a lady for a man who is really looking to meet and channeling in love channeling all their energy in love now well for a lady It's really also important love and love can open paths of the soul especially I had to consult a lady in which she asked who were those two people who were going to get their life because she is so interested really knowing the first was a man quite Passionate a man marked by the king of the cup card that comes to your life through the social networks that comes to your life through the WhatsApp Facebook Twitter and this lady was going to find that this man was really going to be very direct to be as he said he was going to go as he says erect to the point to raise that really felt a lot of attraction to her and that from this attraction he felt towards her really wanted to invite her to go for a walk to really eat with her but for another part the same lady in less than 2 months time if she will find a man more marked by the archetype king of coarse than a man who enforces confidence that inspires security and from that premise is sold as a good person repairing It is offered as a person who can truly take out to walk that lady that even when you can have a relationship or be married or married has a desire to start something new secretly as a relationship hidden therefore we see that for a lady in the lapse of less than 2 months you can present two options in love a person who even when you are single is very truly inspired by love and be direct and frankly simply price your true in love pointing out that you want to share in intimacy with that lady but also that lady I can find another person who is a little more discreet that offers his financial support to offer his support at the level of what is home in electricity masonry Art repair your home but also inviting her to leave making you understand that you have a relationship but you want to venture into the possibility of u intimacy in spite of being formally married having a formal relationship for lady can represent diverse two possible diverse in love and it would simply behoove her to surely take that person who is truly much more focused in terms of tenacity as soon as the constancy to her person now Well I also had to consult a lady who believes that there is a man who was his soul mate I simply told him that a soul mate a soul mate must be represented by a person who is persevering constant sap in love does not ask to leave a side because love is fragile and the petals of a rose can really be taken away by the wind So the rose It is necessary to take care of it so that the wind does not take the petals of the rose and that way that person can enjoy that man can enjoy of the fragrance those rose petals Therefore that rose really being fragile can receive the invitation of another and that other cause it Transcendental impact to the point of being marked by the letter of the sage holding a lamp in his hand the lamp represents the woman whose petals being quite fragile the wind can take it to find what else may wish to enjoy its fragrance especially in privacy so friend friend today more than ever without a doubt to summarize we are referring that the doors of the soul can be aligned can be aligned with the doors of renal death is necessary for each person Search in love in privacy find that correlation between the soul and the strong embrace in the intimacy to thereby advance towards the riches that the soul wishes to grant to each one some ladies the soul may wish to grant star shine and light inspiration for their life but it is also meeting in intimacy may represent the opportunity to forget time and space to allow energy to tenderness the soul drains on the person and In this case the woman normally when the woman is the intimida

Traducciones de that
that, than
en que
para que
for, so that, that, in order to, in order that
a que
what, that
that, it
which, that
so, such, that, this
7 traducciones más
Definiciones de that
introducing a subordinate clause expressing a statement or hypothesis.
she said that she was satisfied
used to identify a specific person or thing observed by the speaker.
that's his wife over there
used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker.
look at that man there
to such a degree; so.
I would not go that far
7 definiciones más
Ejemplos de that
My second reason is that this point has come to the fore very late in the day.
29 ejemplos más

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