
Friday 15 March 2019


Product of precisely that personal ignorance To what extent friend friend are we willing as people to follow this phrase the teacher Socrates who told us that there is only one good What is knowledge and based on the knowledge of Christianity teaching his teacher to be able to understand when we are doing wrong when we are doing well That is to say when we are ignorant of the law of God and when we are persevering in the law of God if we fail to the law of God there is no doubt that we are in evil We are in ignorance But If we follow the law of God and fulfill it, we are in the right to act with knowledge, to do good, there is an evil that is to act with ignorance. Look at a friend today, a brother told us that he went to protest, went out to protest, and a person was arrested. for that act considered considered criminal vandalism, a lady said that the subject did not tell us that a lady pointed him out and that was why he I took it even to trial because maybe not because of ignorance of the law Because it is surely in hand told us that it was clear that he was doing something wrong and when he arrived the security agent tried to hide but could not because he is certain he is fully aware that he was doing an injury was infringing the law in this case but he told us that he acts under the principle of what he considers a fair fight because he considers that there are things that must be changed then goes out to make his protest from a legal point of view the point of view of the law are ignorance the law is therefore doing an evil and to perform an evil was of course a judgment trial that perhaps this young man by age the judge valued his age and the judge asked him first of all to tell the truth that If he did that crime he accepted it and in a certain way he did a good because he answered something that he knew the judge really knew he had he acted with ignorance But if he did not recognize it he was going to repeat the model he was going to repeat the action he had to first go through a process of recognizing what he did and when what is done is recognized There is no doubt that there is the possibility of changing the personal change car gustav jung in this regard left us an important legacy he tells us that everything we accept transforms what we deny does not dominate us in a certain way the judge acted wisely by doing well because it incited the young people to really I had the opportunity to reflect on what they did and to accept it publicly in terms of charges Tapion them famous transpersonalist psychologist them Having accepted the activity that from the point of view of the law infringed the law in this case that legal point of view was is represented as evil there is no doubt that this young man accepted what he did and the judge the judge was pleased to see what he was responding to truth ayolas found evidence with the evidence in their hands what they call flagrante delicto found in flagrancy okay then from the point of view the flagrante or but in them that was of immediate imprisonment for them in prison now there is no doubt and that the judge he acted with knowledge of the cause being well to invite them to reflect publicly and to accept what they did And in this case I also did well despite the internal fear that according to him he told us that accepting the crime they committed could in a certain way be self-inflicting a sentence but they managed to overcome that fear and accepted the truth for their personal transformation and achieved freedom now friend friend today more than ever without any doubt we are being called the children of their teacher to act with good For this reason every day we must seek his word of light his message of light to strengthen the level of good and knowledge in our lives now well Speaking of knowledge and level of well-being for our earthly existence today more than ever I have to invite him to do meditation work and prayer together with me. For that reason today we are going to visualize that we enter the garden of blessings the heavenly mother we say crown of light we receive vestments of diamond we breathe and light of our being this way our existence shines our memory is improved because we connect with our breathing we visualize that we continue walking we arrive a river we take from these waters our being is blessed light internally we visualize that angels' wings arrive so that we can fly we begin to to fly there light and blessing of light in our heart and we continue to fly we arrive a place where there are trees with fruit our being blessed light inside we continue to fly we arrive at a waterfall Where is the heavenly mother she wraps us with her wings blessed with her blessed waters make Light level demo of greater power and impa For our life, greater blessing for our Earthly Sistance we visualize what

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