
Wednesday 27 February 2019


Friends Today we are talking about the difference between spirit and soul spirit and soul this is because many people always ask me Enrique that the spirit Enrique What is the soul questions that even come out when I have had to give a super chat or simply share a live transmission myth knowledge Today I will relate to the difficult situations of life that are what normally occur when talking about the soul Simply referring to the most sublime of the highest spiritual elevation with God from the point of view of the kabala Some Kabbalist Could Say the connection between the heart with the universal mind the heart illuminated by the universal mind from the poetic point of view Someone could say all those Muses that come to inspire that one with its letter can transform and inspire the life of many people from the point of view of the kabala it would be necessary to say that the soul can definitely be inv I was layered about it today I explained to a sister that if this word of what is to imagine the fruit of the mango fruit is composed of a seed something called meat and the outer layer is usually known as the shell what they call meat is the pulp of the mango that normally makes it chopped or when the person bites it can be ingested as it feeds or when it is chopped it can be later transformed into a juice especially so it goes through a liquefied process now well You could say that the seed represents the spirit the soul would already represent the whole shell the pulp the pulp Even the seed How this translates into reality a person asked me how do you see me at a spiritual level Enrique Bueno I told him that she is represented by the spirit of a black panther with white wings a black panther with angel wings because she is a woman that normally because he grabs her because she is a woman who usually says groser he screams when he feels really unhappy the screams and rudeness represent The Panther's claws now well We go to the jaw and the fangs of the black Panther when the lady insists and persists in reaching her goals is like when the black panther has its jaw that which you wish to injure and with its strong Fang is progressively crushing it now well in terms of kar gustav jung the Panther could be seen as an archetype as an archetype in the biologist terms of Charles Darwin might well be located as an animal on the scale not in the pyramid the evolution where the man that is known as Homo Sapiens is on the Upper scale now well because this black Panther archetype is presented with wings the wings today come to represent something truly important the wings today come to represent the good intentions can inhabit good intentions in a black Panther body yes because there are people who they are willing to achieve great goals big dreams and it is with the claw of the panther and it is with the jaw and fangs of the Panther that they reach them that they go every day being a reality in this way we see then that not everything that shines it is gold and not everything that is dark has to crawl it can also fly and soar the sky So also that person who still having Pantera spirit can have wings to connect with Superior layers of his soul at a higher magnitude level of greater intensity now well We will continue talking about spirit and soul in my experience giving tarot consultations I have had to know a spirit that for some people I respect is known as something sacred is how a saint is traditionally known associated with death There are those who even manage to venerate The death in the tarot comes to represent the sudden changes but also if it is reversed it can represent the death of a person in some cases Hello or when the natural death of the person or of some living being on earth is near, now I have seen in some spiritual rituals also that people who have died are incorporated into the spiritual pantheon for example if a person was delinquent in their life is usually drawn, a sculpture is drawn, a painting is made on the sculpture that reflects the character normally a Malandro, a delinquent that this delinquent Malandro culture can be associated with drinking alcohol and of course carrying a weapon normally illicit even seen as some businesses in the entrance have said statues as a sign that they trust in their faith that this spirit will protect them. What is the characteristic then of a spirit in a spirit in this case in the midst of transmodernity the Spirits have been transformed in protectors of the businesses and in the majority of the cases they have like Common denominator that it exerts the violence the influence the violence in this case the thugs are carriers

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