
Saturday 23 February 2019


When in fact that person can be married and simply a simple and simple neighbor then we see that the person who suffers can be built scenarios from a word the person who suffers from jealousy is basically distrustful was going to distrust even the word of the subject that is the object of his desire the person of course who suffers cellopathy from a person who can go into suffering because his ego comes into a shock because I do not have what I wanted because I do not have what I want in the conditions I want because I do not have it by my side because I do not have that person sleeping with me because because because they are so many because there are so many questions are so many questions that can not find the answer to the person simply begins to undergo therapy recommended gustav jung point no doubt some in charge I would invite us a hymn with the connection with our soul and go much further through a process of visualization reativa surely we can help people who are celópata could first be recommended at first you could first point out the importance of visualizing that there is a relationship in love and here we could talk about a visualization therapy for the person suffering that first visualize that there is true love between the two to create a field of energy between them that unites them can be the symbol of the subconscious of the heart that symbol of the pink heart that symbol is truly marked in the collective unconscious from there of that positional symbol between both and that symbol to have the pink energy invade both of the most complete energy of love. Later you can visualize that through the symbol of a key both find the exit to all the problems that produce jealousy and begin to visualize that taken from the hand finds happiness for both that can be a therapeutic the initial To support those people who are being victims of those jealousies that in the end will tear their hearts with pain for it is important today to speak of mental health and to speak of mental health in terms of charges Tapion must be invited to live in the people in the collective unconscious for it today Beloved brother sister I want to invite you together with me to perform meditation work and prayer for our lives so today we are going to visualize that we enter the garden of the heavenly mother we receive the Crown of light and vestments of diamond for our life we ​​breathe we visualize that we continue walking we arrive at a river where there are blessed waters we take the blessed waters of this river of ours is truly impregnated with light we receive a wings of angels to fly we begin today to fly When we begin to fly we feel greater level of blessing in our hearts we come to a place where there are trees with fruits we eat from the fruits of these trees our being always full of higher level of light greater level of power and blessing today we visualize that we continue flying we arrive at a level of a cascade of the cascade of the blessed waters the celestial mother our simple being nothing greater level of light and of blessing see blessed water mosqueta or raise us a level of greater power and light and today we truly truly raise our eyes without prenan with the blessing and starlight the blessed hand does not see a level of the highest our heart if it catches the blessing of light in our hearts the hand of God not of the highest light level our mind without light light in our mind the hand of God today really raised us from the highest level we arrived a golden heavenly bridge we say the light of Gold for our being We are much happier beings visualize today that any kind of jealousy is transmuted today Because our being is seen a light level of greater power and blessing. In the color of Gold the hand of God did not raise the level of the highest we reach the level of a state it brings us its light and blessing for our being we take the blessed waters of this gives our being without full light internally today we visualize that the hand of God guides us raised us from the highest level today we find a celestial treasure this celestial treasure brings us gold jewelery diamonds but especially a golden key For our lives we say to take in our hands this golden key our cimplen to higher level of light and power we have the key to open the doors of freedom to the people we love in our lives the hand of God raised us to the highest level and today we hold hands with thousands of angels of light visualize that the white flame arrives the earth arrives the blue flame arrives the green flame the flame the healing arrives the green flame to our hand the green flame arrives our heart and the green flame arrives to our mind visualize that l lega the orange flame arrives the red flame and today comes the flame ro

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